Who Needs a Health Coach

Who needs a Health Coach?
by Cary LaLonde, Certified Health Coach

These days it's hard for ANYONE to stay on a health-conscious path.  You can find yourself spinning in circles with the bombardment of overt and subliminal messages telling us what we "need" to stay happy and healthy and nutritional advice that is confusing, contradictory, and incomplete.  For fear of making the wrong decision or from pure exhaustion, many stay stagnant in their comfort zones, even when they need and/or want to change.  In short, we can ALL use help now and then.  This is where a Health Coach comes in. 
Trained in various dietary theories, anatomy and physiology, coaching and counseling techniques, I can help you figure out what works best for YOUR body.  None of the dietary theories are necessarily wrong, and none are necessarily right in claiming that they have found the one right way to eat. I call it Bio-individuality; every body is different and it’s all about figuring out what works for you, your lifestyle, time constraints, likes and dislikes, and food sensitivities. It’s a collaborative effort because YOU are the expert of your body. 
I can work with you to help:

- Low energy, sluggishness, moodiness
- Weight loss
- Goal setting, accountability, time management
- Stress and anxiety
- Diabetes management
- Healthy home cooking
- Helping you figure out what’s keeping you stuck!

About Cary LaLonde
Cary is an Integrative Nutritional Health Coach, massage therapist, mother of two, as well as a former social worker and A&P teacher.  In all, this has provided her with 20 yrs of experience helping others set and achieve their goals.
She received her training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where she gained in-depth knowledge in nutrition, health and wellness, and coaching skills. Cary leads workshops on nutrition and offers one-on-one health and nutrition coaching.  She focuses on tailoring her programs to the specific needs of each client with an emphasis on holistic health.

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